Application for the Fall 2024 Cohort of the URJ Teen Israel Organizing Immersive

Fill out this form to apply for the URJ Teen Israel Organizing Immersive (US – Based)!

What is the URJ Teen Israel Organizing Immersive?  

The URJ Teen Israel Organizing Immersive is a fellowship for North American teens to learn about the social justice issues and culture of Israel and learn how to organize around Israel within their communities.

Who should participate in the URJ Teen Israel Organizing Immersive?  

We are looking for teens who have been to Israel recently or who are interested in learning more about Israel; teens with diverse political perspectives and with various levels of exposure to Israel; teens with diverse interests and skill sets; and teens of all social identities and from different socioeconomic backgrounds.  

What will we do during the Immersive?  

The program will begin with a seminar at URJ Camp Coleman in Cleveland, GA in the Fall of 2024. There, students will learn about different the social justice issues that Israel is wrestling with today; explore different tools for community organizing; learn how to facilitate discussions about Israel with their peers; be in the company of teens all over the US; and more.  

After the seminar– and under the guidance of a supportive mentor — teens will return home and spearhead an organizing project in their local communities. In partnership with their peers, teens will explore their interests around Israel , decide how they want to organize their communities, and then put their ideas into action!

What is the time commitment for the Immersive?  

Fellows will attend the opening seminar at URJ Camp Coleman in Fall 2024. After the seminar, fellows will schedule individual meetings with their mentor four times (approximately once a month) to help them plan and lead their organizing project. Between each meeting, fellows will complete small tasks (usually around 30-60 mins) to help them think through, plan, and implement their organizing project. Between November 2024 and December, fellows will also participate in a few online conversations around Israel.

All questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Your Information

If you do not find your congregation by name, try searching the city in which it is located

Guardian Information

Racial Identity

Why are you asking about my racial identity?

Our identities—be it our race, gender, socioeconomic status, (dis)ability, and more--shape the experiences we have had and the lenses through which we see the world. We are asking about your identities so that we can ensure that the Immersive is accessible and that it is reflective of the diversity of Jewish teens in North America.

Short Answer Questions
Please answer the questions below in at least a few sentences.

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