Hakshevu Hakshevunah!
Attention Camp Coleman Alumni!
We love you and want to make
sure we do not lose touch with you! Many of you have flown the coop,
moved, or changed your name since your days in the North Georgia
mountains. We are sure that so much has happened in your lives over the
years, but some things never change: Shabbat
Walks, Fried Chicken and that C-O-L-E-M-A-N spirit
deep in your hearts! So we want to
make sure that…Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, all we’ll have to do is call,
and you will be on the other end instead of a busy signal or an email bounce
back notice!
Camp friendships last a
lifetime, but your address might have changed. Please fill in this short
form to help us update our records and better connect with you.
Note: Don’t hit
“enter” to move in between questions – you will inadvertently submit the form.