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Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)
Thank you for your interest in participating in the URJ Marketplace, where URJ-affiliated congregations can connect with products and services that make it easier for congregations to operate, govern and engage while also saving money. 

If you would like to offer a product or service in the Marketplace, please fill out the information below, and read and agree to our vendor criteria and consideration policy. 
About You

About Your Company

About Your Offer
As detailed below in the Vendor Criteria section, vendors will be considered who offer a unique, distinct and permanent discount to URJ affiliated congregations, or alternatively can offer a unique package, product, or level of service.

Vendor Criteria
Vendors who meet the criteria outlined below may be invited to join the URJ Marketplace program, at the discretion of Marketplace and URJ leadership. 
  1. Vendor is able to readily serve URJ affiliated congregations throughout the United States and Canada. 
  2. Vendor offers a product and/or service that will help manage administrative and/or operational functions of URJ affiliated congregations.
  3. Vendor can offer a unique, distinct and permanent discount to URJ affiliated congregations, or alternatively can offer a unique package, product, or level of service.
  4. Discount offered by vendor may be re-evaluated as Marketplace sales volume increases. 
  5. Vendor discount is made available to URJ affiliated congregations exclusively through the Marketplace website. When congregations contact vendor outside of the Marketplace, vendor will either encourage customer to submit Expression of Interest form through the Marketplace website, or will report contact to Marketplace team, so activity can be tracked.
  6. Vendor will share Marketplace sales information with the URJ on no less than a quarterly basis, or upon request by the URJ.
  7. Vendors will not directly disparage or criticize other Marketplace vendors in promotional and advertising material.
  8. Changes to product, or service offering, or pricing will be shared immediately with Marketplace leadership. 
  9. Final decisions regarding vendor application will be made at the discretion of the Marketplace professional and lay leadership based on these criteria and other determining factors. 

Vendor Consideration Policy
  1. No special consideration will be given to vendors or consultants due to existing or past lay or professional relationships with the URJ.

  2. Marketplace participation is subject to URJ Ethics code; particularly section B, item 3. 

    "A conflict of interest occurs when one is in a position to influence decisions or outcomes on behalf of a part and such decisions or outcomes could directly or indirectly accrue personal benefit to oneself or one's family or friends. 

    A potential conflict of interest can be difficult to discern. We have a responsibility to consult others about any real or potential conflicts and help one another resolve any such conflicts.

    Any real or potential conflicts must be proactively and fully disclosed to the appropriate stakeholders. An individual having a real or potential conflict of interest must not engage in the decision making process or otherwise attempt to influence the outcomes with respect to matters as to which there is a conflict unless and until:
    1. There has been full disclosure to the affected stakeholders;
    2. An approved mitigation plan is in place, and;
    3. The consent of the stakeholders to proceed is obtained, which, for matters of significance, should be in writing.
  3. The URJ will not work with vendors that discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender identification, age, disability or other protected classes. We are committed to supporting vendors that treat their employees fairly, use products that are made in safe working conditions, and comply with the Principles of Fair Labor and Responsible Sourcing and Production.

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