RAC Teen Justice Fellowship Nominations - Fall '24

What is the RAC Teen Justice Fellowship? 
The RTJF is a learning intensive designed to train high schoolers to be organizers in their home communities. Justice Fellows will meet virtually every week for six weeks to hone their leadership skills, learn organizing and advocacy, and be involved in the RAC’s work. 
Who should be a Justice Fellow? 
We are looking for talented, enthusiastic teens who are interested in learning more about how community organizing, advocacy, politics, and Judaism relate to each other and to all other aspects of social justice, as well as gaining the skills needed to be changemakers. Teens who are ready to grow, learn, and take on a little bit of leadership make excellent fellows. 
What will we do in the fellowship? 
In the RTJF, we will explore what teens are passionate about when it comes to social justice, learn how to build a strategy for making change and mobilizing our communities, and engage in advocacy with the RAC. The theme for the Fall 2024 Fellowship will be mental health, and the skills will be applicable to any cause that teens are passionate about!
What is the time commitment? 
The RTJF will meet in the evenings in October-December for 6 one-hour sessions. There will be small tasks that fellows will be expected to complete between sessions (30-60 mins max), as well as a final organizing project  on a timeline picked by each Fellow individually for their community.   

Please fill out this form to nominate a high schooler for the RAC Teen Justice Fellowship for Fall 2024. 

You can also see FAQs and direct teens to the interest form here: rac.org/fellowship

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Your Information (referrer)

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Referral Information #1
Parent/Guardian Information

Student Information

Parent, Rabbi, L'Taken Chaperone, etc

Yes, we really want LAST year's grade here!

Referral Information #2
Parent/Guardian Information

Student Information

Parent, Rabbi, L'Taken Chaperone, etc

Yes, we really want LAST year's grade here!

Referral Information #3
Parent/Guardian Information

Student Information

Parent, Rabbi, L'Taken Chaperone, etc

Yes, we really want LAST year's grade here!

Referral Information #4
Parent/Guardian Information

Student Information

Parent, Rabbi, L'Taken Chaperone, etc

Yes, we really want LAST year's grade here!

Referral Information #5
Parent/Guardian Information

Student Information

Parent, Rabbi, L'Taken Chaperone, etc

Yes, we really want LAST year's grade here!

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